What is the best treatment for gynecomastia?

  • 01 Dec 2022

What is the best treatment for gynecomastia?

Traditionally Gynecomastia have been treated by excision of the excess fibro-fattyand the glandular tissue, which led to long and painful recovery and obvious and noticeableugly scarring. But nowadays there is lots of improvement in surgical techniques, we havemoved to the minimal access surgery which involves liposuction of any excess fibrofattytissue and if at all required then removal of glandular tissue. With this newer technique thereis fast and smoother recovery with minimal or no scarring. Patients are able to resume theirroutine activities sooner.Why one should undergo gynecomastia surgery? What are the 5 Benefits of MaleBreast Reduction for Gynecomastia Treatment1. It will enhances your confidence and self-esteemGynecomastia is not just about obvious physical changes of male breastappearance. Patients having gynecomastia also suffer from depression due to their poorbody image. Insecurities can also trigger social anxiety. One may not even realize how muchhis gynecomastia is affecting your mental health. Male breast reduction may be just whatyou need to take back control of your life.2. It frees your mind from negative thoughts and social insecurity.When you’re self-conscious about your body, you can find the same few negative thoughtsrunning through your mind constantly. These thoughts are unproductive and just a few thatmen suffering from gynecomastia think about repeatedly throughout the course of the day.3. It will Offer a More Masculine FigureIdeally men have a toned, sculpted chest, large traps, bulky rhomboids, long lats, largeranterior delts and a torso that tapers down to the hips. You can have perfectly toned backmuscles, but strong, bulky pectoral muscles can pronounce the fact that you have the sameglandular tissue in your chest as women do. One of the most significant benefits of breastreduction for gynecomastia treatment is the return to a masculine appearance.4. It Improves your PostureGynecomastia reduction will dramatically improve your posture by balancing weighton trunk.5. It will ease physical activitiesLarger chest makes physical activity uncomfortable, reduction will help you out withthis problem.
