Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty Surgery in Navi Mumbai

Vaginoplasty Surgery in Navi Mumbai

Vaginoplasty surgery in Navi Mumbai at Seraphic Aesthetics, Dr. Lukesh Patil leads a specialized team offering Vaginoplasty procedures. Known for his expertise and compassionate care, Dr. Patil ensures personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. The clinic emphasizes safety, confidentiality, and high standards of medical care, helping patients achieve their desired outcomes with confidence and comfort. Seraphic Aesthetics stands out for its commitment to enhancing women's health and well-being through advanced surgical techniques.

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at tightening the vaginal muscles and tissues, often enhancing both function and appearance. It is commonly sought for medical or cosmetic reasons, including after childbirth or due to aging. The procedure can improve comfort, confidence, and sexual satisfaction. Vaginoplasty is performed by skilled surgeons and involves a recovery period during which patients follow specific post-operative care instructions.

Vaginoplasty Surgery Cost in Navi Mumbai

Vaginoplasty surgery in Navi Mumbai varies in cost depending on the clinic, surgeon's expertise, and specific patient needs. On average, the procedure ranges from ₹1,50,000 to ₹3,50,000. This includes pre-operative consultations, surgery, and post-operative care. It's important to discuss all aspects, including costs and expected outcomes, with surgeon Dr Lukesh Patil during the initial consultation to ensure transparency and proper planning.

Factor Affecting Vaginoplasty Surgery Cost

The cost of Vaginoplasty surgery can vary widely based on several factors. Here are some of the key factors that can influence the overall cost:

  1. Type of Vaginoplasty: There are different types of Vaginoplasty procedures (e.g., reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery, gender-affirming surgery), and each type may have different costs associated with it.
  2. Hospital or Clinic Fees: The facility where the surgery is performed can influence the cost. High-end hospitals and clinics with advanced facilities may charge more compared to smaller clinics.
  3. Pre-operative and Post-operative Care: The cost of pre-operative consultations, medical tests, and post-operative care (including follow-up visits and any necessary additional treatments) can add to the overall cost.
  4. Anesthesia Fees: The type of anesthesia used and the duration of the surgery can impact the overall cost. General anesthesia typically costs more than local anesthesia.
  5. Complexity of the Procedure: The complexity and duration of the surgery can affect the cost. More complex procedures requiring longer operating times and specialized skills will typically be more expensive.
  6. Medical Tests and Medications: Pre-surgery medical tests and post-surgery medications (including pain management and antibiotics) contribute to the total cost.
  7. Additional Treatments or Procedures: Some patients may require or opt for additional procedures in conjunction with Vaginoplasty, such as labiaplasty or clitoral hood reduction, which can increase the overall cost.

Vaginoplasty Surgery Procedure

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at creating or reconstructing a vagina. This surgery is commonly sought by transgender women as part of gender-affirming surgery or by cisgender women who have congenital conditions, traumatic injuries, or other medical reasons requiring vaginal reconstruction. Here's a detailed overview of the Vaginoplasty procedure:

  1. Anesthesia: The surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient is unconscious and pain-free during the procedure.
  2. Incision and Tissue Preparation: The surgeon makes incisions and prepares the tissues. In transgender women, the penile and scrotal skin is often used to create the vaginal canal, labia, and clitoris.
  3. Vaginal Canal Creation: The vaginal canal is created by inverting the penile skin or using skin grafts from other parts of the body, such as the abdomen or thigh. In some cases, a portion of the colon may be used to create the canal (colovaginoplasty).
  4. Labia and Clitoris Formation: The labia and clitoris are constructed using the remaining genital tissues. The clitoris is usually created from the glans of the penis to preserve erotic sensation.
  5. Lining the Canal: The newly created vaginal canal is lined with the inverted skin or grafts. The lining is carefully sutured to ensure it stays in place and functions properly.
  6. Wound Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures, and the area is dressed to promote healing and minimize infection risk.

Why Choose Dr Lukesh Patil for Vaginoplasty Surgery in Navi Mumbai

Choosing the right surgeon for Vaginoplasty is a critical decision that impacts the success and safety of the procedure. Here are several compelling reasons to consider Dr. Lukesh Patil for Vaginoplasty surgery in Navi Mumbai:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Dr. Lukesh Patil has extensive training and specialization in plastic and reconstructive surgery, particularly in gender-affirming surgeries like Vaginoplasty.
  2. Personalized Care: Dr. Patil prioritizes patient comfort and satisfaction, providing personalized care tailored to each individual’s needs and goals. He conducts thorough pre-operative consultations to understand patient expectations, explain the procedure in detail, and address any concerns.
  3. Advanced Techniques: Dr. Patil operates in modern, well-equipped medical facilities in Navi Mumbai, ensuring the highest standards of safety and care. He utilizes the latest surgical techniques and technologies to achieve the best possible outcomes with minimal complications.
  4. Post-Operative Support: Dr. Patil provides comprehensive post-operative care guidelines and closely monitors recovery to ensure optimal healing. Patients benefit from regular follow-up appointments and easy access to Dr. Patil for any post-surgery concerns or questions.
  5. Ethical and Professional Standards: : Dr. Patil adheres to the highest ethical standards in medical practice, ensuring honest communication and transparent treatment plans. He is well-respected in the medical community and often participates in professional organizations and conferences, staying updated on the latest advancements in his field.


  1. Q. What is vaginoplasty surgery?
  2. A. Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at creating or reconstructing a vagina. It is commonly performed for transgender women as part of gender-affirming surgery or for cisgender women who require reconstruction due to congenital conditions, traumatic injuries, or other medical reasons. The procedure involves creating a vaginal canal and external genitalia using existing tissues, grafts, or other techniques.

  3. Q. What are the risks and complications associated with vaginoplasty?
  4. A. As with any surgical procedure, vaginoplasty carries potential risks and complications. These may include.

      • Infection
      • Excessive bleeding
      • Scarring
      • Issues with wound healing
      • Stenosis (narrowing) of the vaginal canal
      • Fistula formation (abnormal connections between the vagina and other organs)
      • Pain or discomfort
      • Changes in sensation
      • Urinary complications

    It's important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and understand how they will be managed.

  5. Q. How long is the recovery period after Vaginoplasty?
  6. A. The initial recovery period after Vaginoplasty typically lasts about 6 to 8 weeks, during which patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and sexual intercourse. Full recovery can take several months. Patients must follow their surgeon's specific aftercare instructions, including regular dilation of the neovagina to maintain its depth and width, proper wound care, and attending all follow-up appointments.

  7. Q. How should I prepare for Vaginoplasty surgery?
  8. A. Preparation for Vaginoplasty surgery includes several steps:

    Consultations : Meet with your surgeon to discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns.

    Medical Tests: Undergo necessary pre-operative tests, such as blood work and imaging studies.

    Hormone Therapy: Transgender women may need to be on hormone therapy for a certain period before surgery.

    Pre-operative Instructions: Follow guidelines on medications, diet, and smoking cessation.

    Emotional Preparation: Consider counseling or support groups to help prepare emotionally for the surgery and recovery.